I was asked to produce nine quality images for the Guardian's 'weekend magazine'. As they were writing an article on 'youth culture' and were investigating the meaning of it. I went and first responded by collecting images of different 'youth cultures' for examples i created a pinterest board on goths, rockers, emos, punks and loads more. I then drew out mind maps of ideas and more youth cultures. I wrote out ideas about what i could produce for my final pieces. When i finally got to a point where i knew what i wanted to do, i went and looked at other artists who take similar photos to my idea. I analysed their work on my blog and compared the similarities in mine and their works.
By researching artists this helped developed my idea because i could see how they took their images, if they were from high or low angels, or if they were portraits or taken in the studio. This got me thinking about how i could produce my final pieces. I went outside and took lots of images to see if the atmosphere would fit in with my idea. This guided me to try and maybe not have such a busy background, so i tested out taking photos in the studio.
This image consists of colour, colour has been used by the show lights. As there was only one show light on the left side of the model, the light goes across one side of their face. Where he is close to the show light, it's made it more clear to see his whole face, also this makes the text more easy to read. Where i have used a black background this makes the colours stand out more, the white board over the dark clothing helps make it stand out and the brighter colours on the text draws the eye right to the center, which is the main feature. This photo has a smooth texture because everything looks neat and nothing looks messy, which doesn't give it a retro feel. Where there is different colours on the board, they are different tones. The show light have created light and dark spots around the model, there are different tones of black/grey because of this.
The photo is in focus, however there is a small sign of action blur. The sign isn't fully in focus. Also there are technical distractions, glares and dust are surrounding the outline of the model. There isn't to much lighting which makes the photo somewhat sharp. Where the background is black, the subject matter in the foreground becomes three dimensional. There is a low exposure which results to unwanted muddle contrast lines. The distance between the nearest and the furthest object gives a focused image (between the background and the model). This is known as depth of field.
The ISO was done at 200. ISO 200 – 1/2 of a second.
As i used a black drop background the show light really brings out the small details. I love the way the light brings out half of the face, but you can still see the other half. As the model is smiling, i think it's beautiful. The colours on her top don't distract the eye from the quote. As the text is black and white and there are chunks of black squares, this makes the eye still draw to it, even though the quotes are the main features. I chose this piece as one of my finals because the quote just fits in perfectly with her emotion. Like the other image, the photo has a smooth texture because it looks new and doesn't have an old boring feel.
Other than the perks of this images, there are many flaws when it comes to the technical side of things. The composition of this image isn't the best. The exposure is low, which makes this a too-dark photo. I think if i adjusted the exposure time this would of created a more crispness in the contrast, which would add to the raw grit of the photograph.
The ISO setting was done at 200, which increases the sensitivity of my camera. The ISO setting is done at 200, this is so that it has more detail and less dots. As the camera is on a tripod it helps capture the scene, the flat surface helps capture detail. On the other hand as the setting is on a low ISO, if there were to be any movement it would just look like a ghostly figure. Low ISO is mainly for dark din environments, that's why i used it.
As i used a black drop background for this image, it looks amazing. The show light brings out the text on the board really well. Even though the model has bent the board slightly, it's not distracting or 100% clear, you would have to look twice. As the model is wearing dark tones this really helps bring out the board. I think i made a good choice of using black and white for this quote, as he there is a lot of darkness in this photo. Also where the model is posing, it doesn't overwhelm the quote, it's not overly distracting.
Shutter speed- If the shutter speed is fast, it can help to freeze action completely, as seen in the above photo. Luckily the shutter speed isn't slow, as it can create an effect called “motion blur”, where moving objects appear blurred along the direction of the motion. Where this hasn't happened, the image is focused nicely. The camera setting was set to “Manual” mode, where you set both shutter speed and aperture manually. I think it worked quite well.
Exposure- There is a high exposure which allows more light to filter in. Therefore there are white highlights, i am happy with this because the signs are my main focus.
I love this photo because there is so much emotion and the quote just fits perfectly. The show light captures everything. You can see her face really clearly and you can see the quote too. The models hair is really shinny, which makes the texture of it look really smooth and where there are little bits of her hair moving, there is different tones showing. You can see light and dark blonde specs. As the light was captured in a perfect moment, the writing on the board has really clear detail. You can see where i painted it on, there are little splurges of black circles. Al so where she is wearing dark clothes like the other models this creates a dark boarder around the quote, which helps pop it out of the image.
Lighting- Even though the light was captured in a good moment, there are still flaws to this photo. There is to much light, which is because of technical difficulties.
Exposure- There is a low exposure, which has given the sign random Grey looking strokes across it. This was very unwanted. I would deferentially take more consideration in my time plan for taking an image.
Aperture- I used a small f-number such as f/1.4 which isolates the foreground from the background by making the foreground objects sharp and the background blurry.
Even though the text isn't really the brightest colour going. The pinky red still stands out against the dark purple and blue on the models top. Where the model is standing closer to the show light, everything is clear in this image, all the small details come to life. For example the small text is clear and looks bold even though it's not the boldest thing in the image. Even though there is lots of detail on the models top, this doesn't distract the eye from the text. The light on her eyes draw the viewer downwards to the quote.
Exposure- As this image has a low exposure thee are muddle contrast lines. This is very distracting and annoying, as therefore this image isn't in a great focus.
Focus- This image may look completely focused, but the sign is slightly blurred because of action movement. Therefore it's blurred not by the camera lens being moved, it's by the movement of the model. Which may took effect move because i couldn't get her to calm down.
Shutter speed- Once again the ISO was at 200. This is because it's the best way to capture detail in a dim atmosphere.
The black background really helps to bring this image to life and where the model is posing this gives the photo a heap of character. The show light brings out the colour on half of his face, which leads the eye downwards. The quote board has some stains on it, but i think it gives the photo more of an atmosphere, it brings the outside world in to the image. As the light is only coming from one side you can see his clothing details very well. The image consists of many tones, there are light and dark tones on the models face, there is a shadow effect on his face. Also his right side is nearly completely black, but there are still specs of Grey.
Other than the emotion of the picture there are not many techinal problems with this image. The photo is focused, there isn't dust or distracting glares. There isn't to much or to less light, it's perfect. The ISO is at 200 like the others, which has captured the small detail in this image.
I am in love with this photo. Where the light has captured most of the model, her blue top brings out the colours in her eyes. Which makes me contemplate that there is a story behind her eyes and the quote. The colours from her clothes and the black background all compliment each other because they're warm colours. The texture of this photo is smooth, just like all the other it look new and up to date, there's nothing retro about this image.
I used Bokeh, also known as “Boke”. Bokeh makes photographs visually appealing, forcing us to focus our attention on a particular area of the image. I used this where my background is black, it makes the foreground three dimensional and therefore it draws your eye to the foreground.
The composition of this image is good, she isn't standing to close to the show light. There is no bad exposure, so that there is no dust or glares.
The models actions and the quote go really well together. Her actions build up the character, this image is full of emotion and character because of the way shes making herself look. The show light has captured her whole face, there is a little shadow effect on her right hand side of her face. The black drop background compliments the colours on her top and the dark tones in the foreground and background make the quote stand out.
Exposure- As there is a lower exposure the result is that there i muddled contrast lines. These lines are distracting and are unwanted. This pertains to the length of time the camera was enabled to take in the image and affects the lighting and contrast.
ISO- 200
Lighting- There is to much light which came down to technical problems, that i was unaware about.
Dust- There is dust and other technical distractions. The dust makes the photo look very unprofessional. You can spot the dust in either lines that look fuzzy or random specs of weird shapes.
This image is great because where the model has turned her face, you can see a shadow effect on the side of her face, which makes tones going down her neck. The tones get lighter as they go downwards, i like the fact that the show light has captured her left side really well. Also where she is smiling it really brings out her character and the quote fits perfectly because she is fully herself in this image. The light brings out how the text on the board was formed, you can tell that i painted the text because of the clear detail shown.
Unfortunately there is low exposure, which has made random glares appear. The image still looks darn good though. The composition is good, because the lighting has captured the sign, which is my main focus. Also this image would of looked three dimensional if the model was looking straight and standing not so close to the show light.
I think that i have met the brief because i have used song lyrics to reflect 'youth culture'. I think that the quotes i have used reflect teenagers pretty well. I think that if time and money wasn't an issue, then i would of changed the composition and would of used different backgrounds and more quotes.
The artist that inspired me was Gillian wearing. Her work consists of people holding signs, even though her work doesn't involve black backgrounds as mine does. I like the fact that she took everyday people and got them to hold signs that would get you thinking about the meaning, and would get you thinking about everyday life it's self.
I also really like the fact that she used some busy backgrounds, but they weren't overwhelming at all because they were slightly blurry, which would make the people and the signs stand out, which is the main purpose. What inspired me the most though was the fact that she used personal quotes and that everything about her work has character and emotion and even though some of the emotion may seem fake, it's not.
Health and safety notes
- Be careful when sorting the light setting out
- Don't use the flash in your eyes
- Don't drop camera
- Put back background drop after using it
- Put everything away after use