My idea developed by sketching out different typeface systems. I ended up going with the random system as a starting point. I fist sketched out a few random systems and then moved my experimentation on to Illustrator. My experimentation guided me by testing out different starting points, like in corners or in the centre of the page. It also helped me to change colours and chose sizes of my fonts. It took a while to get use to using Illustrator because I'm not great when it comes to using computers.
For the first piece that i developed, the formal elements I used were tone, line and texture. I used tone by making my fonts bold or thin, I made my fonts bold by stretching my words. The bold fonts give the piece a nice flow. Line was formed by writing text in a straight line, or placing words in certain places to form lines. Lastly I used texture by choosing certain fonts that had cracks or rigid corners. I think this makes the piece complete. It gives it character.
For my second piece, the formal elements I used were colour, shape, pattern, tone and texture. I used colour by making certain words have colours that reflected the word. For example I made the word "fire" red and the word 'sky' blue. Making the words have colour gives the piece character. I used shape by repeating a curved half circle around my piece. By doing that it gives my piece a nice flow, it looks like a design, not something that just covers the page. Tone was used by the font of some texts that have dark corners, or light tones. Texture was done by text having smooth or rough edges. Like certain fonts that i used.
For my third piece, the formal elements I used were, colour, line, shape and pattern. I used colour by having a black background and putting white text over the top, so that it would stand out. I like the composition of the text over the background because it looks professional. I created lines by repeating the same sentence going around in lines in a square shape, i think this gives the piece a nice look and flow. Shape was formed by the lines building up a square shape and pattern was done by the repetition of the same text.
For my fourth piece, the formal elements i used were, colour, line, shape and pattern. I used colour by having a black background and putting red text over the top, so that it would stand out. I really like the red on the black background, it reflects the song really well as this song is abut a fire. I created lines by repeating the same sentence going around in lines in a square shape. The lined get smaller as going inwards, which gives it a 3d effect. Shape was formed by the lines building up a square shape and pattern was done by the repetition of the same text. This is my final piece, i chose this to be my final piece because i love the red on the dark background and where i have used red text, it reflects the song really well because it's about a fire. I also chose this as my final because i just love the 3d effect.
For my fifth piece, the formal elements that i used were colour, tone, pattern and texture. I used colour by having a white background and placing black text over the top. I love the way lack and white just compliment each other. Tone was created by having certain texts that were darker or lighter than another, (certain fonts). Texture was done by having smooth and rough fonts. I created pattern by repeating the same words.
I used Illustrator on all of my work and used the font tool for every piece. I used the pen tool to draw lines and curves, i then used the type on a line tool to put text on the line. I feel like I was successful in the end, at first i felt like giving up, but i finally came to my senses and did it. I overcame wanting to give up. If money and time wasn't an issue, I would make my work better by including imagery and more colours.
Craig Ward and Robert Bringhurst inspired me the most because their work consists of character and colour. Even though if you were to compare my final piece and their work together it wouldn't look the same at all. I like the way they used composition of fonts and colours that reflect the meaning of the words. I feel like my work meets the brief just about because i have covered most of what i have had to do.
Craig Ward was the most inspirational Artist towards my work. His work inspired me because his work was full with character the most. Even though his work is simple, it just gets to the point and doesn't overwhelm. I like that in work. I think what inspired me the most about his work was that his work was different and made you feel warmth. I loved the fact that his work made me feel something and made me think about the meaning of his work and if their was maybe a story behind it.
Health and safety notes:
- Sit up straight when using computer.
- Look away from the screen every now and then, so that your eyes don't strain.
- Have no food or drink by the computer.
- Get up and move around, so that your body doesn't ache.